[Starlingx-discuss] Community (& TSC) Call (May 12, 2021)
Hi all, reminder of the weekly TSC/Community calls tomorrow. Key topic will again be the stx.5.0 release we're working on closing, particularly re: the open high importance bugs [4]. Please feel free to add other items to the agenda [0] for the community call. Bill... [0] etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-status [1] call details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Meetings#7am_Pacific_-_Technical_S... [2] meeting start time in various time-zones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210512T1400 [3] https://zoom.us/j/342730236?pwd=N21CUXNXVlJXMlcyZjZ0SE96cVNjQT09 [4] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/stx-gating-bugs
From today's meeting:
* Standing Topics * Build/Sanity * build ok of late * sanity is Yellow for 5.0 & Master, per issues listed below * Gerrit Reviews in Need of Attention * reviews for fixes for high importance stx.5.0 launchpads - see below * Topics for this Week * stx.5.0 bugs * Importance = High * 1922299 (Martin): Openstack-Helm mariadb crash recovery failed * https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1922299, review https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/openstack-armada-app/+/790321 * likely could be changed to Medium, there's no real issue, Martin's change just removes the unnecessary logs * we agreed to downgrade this to Medium & not hold up the release for this * 1925668 (Zhipeng): Bootstrap replay fails when changing mgmt subnet * https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1925668, review https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/ansible-playbooks/+/787942 * Tee or David to review today * agreed to not hold up the release for this, but we'll continue to work on this & make a release note for it * 1918318 (Martin): controller-0 is degraded due to the failure of its 'pci-irq-affinity-agent' process. Auto recovery of this major process is in progress." * https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1918318 * Alex to determine the frequency of this intermittent issue * from Austin: 0507/0510/0511 not see this issue. 0505 see this issue. * but we saw it again today * per Alex, of 32 installations, he saw it 2 times - so it's sporadic * we need to better understand what was going on here - what caused this to happen & whether there's a workaround - Austin & Alex will work on this * Importance = Medium * 1918420 (Martin): Alarm 750.003 - Application remove failure for stx-openstack * (not high, but mentioned in stx.5.0 sanity report) * https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1918420, review: https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/ha/+/788897 * Martin will continue to investigate whether this is a testcase issue or a real issue * upcoming TSC election * election timeline * http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2021-May/011423.html * active contributor list * http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2021-May/011424.html * ARs from Previous Meetings * Docker Hub: Ildiko & Bill are in touch with them about the OSS Community designation. * Open Requests for Help * we didn't go through these today * Build Matters (if required) * nothing this week -----Original Message----- From: Zvonar, Bill Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 12:13 PM To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io Subject: Community (& TSC) Call (May 12, 2021) Hi all, reminder of the weekly TSC/Community calls tomorrow. Key topic will again be the stx.5.0 release we're working on closing, particularly re: the open high importance bugs [4]. Please feel free to add other items to the agenda [0] for the community call. Bill... [0] etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-status [1] call details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Meetings#7am_Pacific_-_Technical_S... [2] meeting start time in various time-zones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210512T1400 [3] https://zoom.us/j/342730236?pwd=N21CUXNXVlJXMlcyZjZ0SE96cVNjQT09 [4] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/stx-gating-bugs
participants (1)
Zvonar, Bill