[Starlingx-discuss] StarlingX API Documentation

Arce Moreno, Abraham abraham.arce.moreno at intel.com
Tue Aug 7 17:49:44 UTC 2018

Thanks Ian!

>     [ OpenStack :: API ]
>       - API Guide .. the concepts in the API
>       - API Ref .. a reference for the API
>     Can we prioritize one over the other?
> > We should do the concepts and the ref at the same time.  The new OpenStack
> > approach allows for tags to go in the code.  Let's start with this work.


>     [ StarlingX :: API ]
>     It seems we can categorize the StarlingX APIs in 2:
>       - Brand New APIs from StarlingX projects
>       - Existing APIs from OpenStack projects
> > StarlingX should not document other OpenStack API's, would their
> > documentation not the source of truth?

They are :) let's prioritize Flock.

>     [ StarlingX :: API :: Brand New ]
>     The projects falling into this category are the following:
>       - [0] NFVI Orchestration
>       - [1] High Availability/Process Monitoring/Service Management
>       - [2] StarlingX System Configuration Management
>       - [3] Horizon plugins for new StarlingX services
>       - [4] Installation/Update/Patching/Backup/Restore
>     Can we considered all the above to be included in this API documentation
> effort?
>     Are we missing any other?
> All projects in the Flock should be included.  I think there is a dependency on
> some of the code restructuring activities that are underway, we need to make
> sure these activities don't collide.

Yep! As discussed in the thread [Starlingx-discuss] Restructuring round 2 [0]

[0] http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2018-August/000499.html

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