[Starlingx-discuss] Important! Storyboard Story Tag & Prefix Policy

Chris Friesen chris.friesen at windriver.com
Mon Jul 23 17:14:18 UTC 2018

On 07/23/2018 10:39 AM, Jones, Bruce E wrote:
> -----Original Message----- From: Chris Friesen
> [mailto:chris.friesen at windriver.com]

>> All Stories in the Storyboard tool shall have Tags. *If you create a new
>> Story,* *make sure to add the tag “stx.new”*.  We can then query this story
>> and assign it to a sub-project and a release.  If you don’t tag it that
>> way, we may never find it again.   Assigning Stories to releases is a
>> process that I think should be driven by the Cores together with the
>> Release team.  That is TBD.
> Given that bugs might be opened by people that don't know our procedures,
> would it would maybe make more sense to have new bugs start with no such tag,
> and then we could add a tag indicating that it's been processed?
> [brucej] Yes, this would make sense.   At the time I didn't know how to find
> Stories with no tags, or get the tags displayed in the web UI.  I still don't
> know how to do the former, other than to run complex scripts.  And have no
> idea how to change the web UI (other than contributing code to it).

Currently the only way I know of to find stories using OR and NOT clauses is to 
use automatic worklists.  I plan on opening a storyboard bug to add more complex 
queries to the search mechanism.

> We could create an automatic workist to track "Stories where ProjectGroup is
> starlingx and Tags is bug and Tags is not new" in order to monitor which new
> bugs need to get assigned a sub-project and release.
> [brucej] That would also make sense, but I haven't figured out how to build a
> query that says "tag == NULL".

You can have arbitrary tags, so I don't think it makes sense to search for no 
tags at all.

Specifically for finding stories that don't have a *specific* tag (or don't have 
one of a list of specific tags) you can create an automatic worklist, which then 
lets you do more complicated logic.  It's a bit limiting in that you can only 
search for a series of "OR" statements, where each one is a series of AND 
clauses, where each clause is either matching or not matching.  But like in my 
example you can make an automatic worklist for:

"ProjectGroup is starlingx" AND "'bug' tag exists" AND "'triaged' tag doesn't exist"

The above worklist is available at:

In this scenario, we could set the "triaged" tag once the bug has been analyzed.

>> If you are filing a bug, please also add the “stx.bug” tag.  I have updated
As an example of tags, h
>> all of the currently entered bugs with that tag.  If you are filing a Story
>> for a feature, please add the “stx.feature” tag.  I’m going to update the
>> existing feature stories to add that tag soon.
> Why do we need "stx." prefixes for the tags?  If it's to distinguish
> stories/tasks belonging to StarlingX I think we could skip the prefix and add
> a "ProjectGroup is starlingx" query clause when querying stories/tasks.
> [brucej] I don't know enough about how tags work.  If it's just a random text
> field with no namespace, great, we can do whatever we want.  But I didn't
> want to pollute the namespace of the other projects and didn't get an answer
> to my IRC query on #storyboard, so I went with a safe approach.

As far as I can tell each tag just an arbitrary text string.  When adding a tag 
you start typing and the system will give a drop-down list of all 
previously-specified tags containing the substring that you've typed so far, and 
you can pick one of them or add your custom string.

When searching for stories/tasks you can start typing and it will show all 
ProjectGroups, Projects, and Tags containing the substring you've entered so 
far.  Then you just pick the one you want.

Here's an example of a bug from the vitrage project with multiple tags:


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