[Starlingx-discuss] interface and network configuration changes are merged

Ho, Teresa Teresa.Ho at windriver.com
Thu Sep 13 19:30:25 UTC 2018

The commits for the Story  https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2003087 have been merged.

Teresa Ho

From: Ho, Teresa
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2018 11:31 PM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Subject: Heads up: interface and network configuration changes

This is to inform you that the upcoming feature story "Generalized interface and network configuration" will impact system setup.
A review will be posted shortly.

For more background information, please refer to the Story:    https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2003087

The following describes the user interface changes for interface and network configuration.

  *   Network CLI commands
     *   The parameters mtu, link_capacity and vlan_id are removed from the network table
     *   New network-add and network-delete
usage: system network-add <network_name> <network type> <dynamic> <pool_uuid>

Add a network.

Positional arguments:
  <network_name>  Name of network [REQUIRED]
  <network type>  Type of network [REQUIRED]
  <dynamic>       dynamic [REQUIRED]
  <pool_uuid>     The uuid of the address pool [REQUIRED]

usage: system network-delete <network_uuid>

Delete a network

Positional arguments:
  <network_uuid>  UUID of network entry

  *   Interface CLI commands
     *   The new interface class parameter replaces the existing networktype parameter.
usage: system host-if-add [-a <ae mode>] [-x <txhashpolicy>] [-V <vlan_id>]
                          [-m <mtu>] [-c <class>]
                          [--networks <network name or id>]
                          [--ipv4-mode <ipv4_mode>] [--ipv6-mode <ipv6_mode>]
                          [--ipv4-pool <ipv4 pool uuid or name>]
                          [--ipv6-pool <ipv6 pool uuid or name>]
                          <hostname or id> <interface name> [<iftype>]
                          [<providernetworks>] <portsorifaces>
                          [<portsorifaces> ...]

Add an interface.

Positional arguments:
  <hostname or id>      Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]
  <interface name>      Name of interface [REQUIRED]
  <iftype>              Type of the interface
  <providernetworks>    The provider network attached to the interface
                        (default: None) [REQUIRED when interface class is data
                        or pci-passthrough
  <portsorifaces>       Name of port(s) or interface(s) [REQUIRED]

Optional arguments:
  -a <ae mode>, --aemode <ae mode>
                        The AE mode (balanced or active_standby or 802.3ad)
  -x <txhashpolicy>, --txhashpolicy <txhashpolicy>
                        The balanced tx distribution hash policy
  -V <vlan_id>, --vlan_id <vlan_id>
                        The VLAN id of the interface
  -m <mtu>, --imtu <mtu>
                        The MTU of the interface
  -c <class>, --ifclass <class>
                        The class of the interface
  --networks <network name or id>
                        Name or ID of network
  --ipv4-mode <ipv4_mode>
                        The IPv4 address mode of the interface
  --ipv6-mode <ipv6_mode>
                        The IPv6 address mode of the interface
  --ipv4-pool <ipv4 pool uuid or name>
                        The IPv4 address pool name or uuid if mode is set to
  --ipv6-pool <ipv6 pool uuid or name>
                        The IPv6 address pool name or uuid if mode is set to

usage: system host-if-modify [-n <new interface name>] [-m <mtu>]
                             [-p <providernetworks>] [-a <ae mode>]
                             [-x <txhashpolicy>] [-c <class>]
                             [--networks <network name or id>]
                             [--ipv4-mode <ipv4_mode>]
                             [--ipv6-mode <ipv6_mode>]
                             [--ipv4-pool <ipv4 pool uuid or name>]
                             [--ipv6-pool <ipv6 pool uuid or name>]
                             [-N <sriov numvfs>]
                             <hostname or id> <interface name or uuid>

Modify interface attributes.

Positional arguments:
  <hostname or id>      Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]
  <interface name or uuid>
                        Name or UUID of interface [REQUIRED]

Optional arguments:
  -n <new interface name>, --ifname <new interface name>
                        The new name of the interface
  -m <mtu>, --imtu <mtu>
                        The MTU of the interface
  -p <providernetworks>, --providernetworks <providernetworks>
                        The provider network attached to the interface
  -a <ae mode>, --aemode <ae mode>
                        The AE mode (balanced or active_standby or 802.3ad)
  -x <txhashpolicy>, --txhashpolicy <txhashpolicy>
                        The balanced tx distribution hash policy
  -c <class>, --ifclass <class>
                        The class of the interface
  --networks <network name or id>
                        Name or ID of network
  --ipv4-mode <ipv4_mode>
                        The IPv4 address mode of the interface
  --ipv6-mode <ipv6_mode>
                        The IPv6 address mode of the interface
  --ipv4-pool <ipv4 pool uuid or name>
                        The IPv4 address pool name or uuid if mode is set to
  --ipv6-pool <ipv6 pool uuid or name>
                        The IPv6 address pool name or uuid if mode is set to
  -N <sriov numvfs>, --num-vfs <sriov numvfs>
                        The number of SR-IOV VFs of the interface

  *   Interface network associations
Multiple networks can be assigned to an interface.
usage: system interface-network-assign <hostname or id> <interface name or
                                       uuid> <network name or uuid>

Assign a network to an interface.

Positional arguments:
  <hostname or id>      Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]
  <interface name or uuid>
                        Name of interface [REQUIRED]
  <network name or uuid>
                        Name of UUID of IP network [REQUIRED]

usage: system interface-network-remove <interface network uuid>

Remove an assigned network from an interface.

Positional arguments:
  <interface network uuid>
                        UUID of interface network entry

Teresa Ho
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