[Starlingx-discuss] Community (& TSC) Call (Dec 16, 2020)
Zvonar, Bill
Bill.Zvonar at windriver.com
Wed Dec 16 15:39:16 UTC 2020
>From today's meeting, below.
We'll have our next meeting on Jan 6, 2021 - see you next year!
* Standing Topics
* Sanity
* per Scott, there was one issue w/ build tools, fixed now, and also some intermittent issues w/ the DNS resolver (Google's) - Scott will try to provide some DNS redundancy to address the 2nd issue
* Gerrit Reviews in Need of Attention
* rook features
* Topics for this Week
* Outreachy internship program: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-December/010344.html
* find more information about the program and timeline here: https://www.outreachy.org/mentor/
* questions can be posted to the mailing list, and both Ildiko & Saul have some knowledge of the program
* Next meeting: Jan 6?
* agreed that we'll cancel the next 2 meetings and reconvene on Jan 6, 2021
* ARs from Previous Meetings
* Bill re: getting a Docker Hub pro account - will follow up with Scott on details
* Open Requests for Help
* CNI Chaining
* http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-December/010377.html
* Bill will talk to Matt & respond
* Openstack application can not be deployed on some compute nodes.
* http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2020-December/010378.html
* Bill will respond that stx.2.0 is EOL
* https://docs.starlingx.io/releasenotes/index.html#release-notes
* Build Matters (if required)
* nothing this week
-----Original Message-----
From: Zvonar, Bill
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 1:16 PM
To: starlingx-discuss at lists.starlingx.io
Subject: Community (& TSC) Call (Dec 16, 2020)
Hi all, reminder of tomorrow's TSC/Community call.
Please feel free to add items to the agenda [0] for the community call.
[0] etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-status
[1] call details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Meetings#7am_Pacific_-_Technical_Steering_Committee_.26_Community_Call
[2] meeting start time in various time-zones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20201216T1500
[3] https://zoom.us/j/342730236?pwd=N21CUXNXVlJXMlcyZjZ0SE96cVNjQT09
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