[Starlingx-discuss] [docs][meeting] Docs site theme (was: Docs team notes 2020-08-19)

Camp, MaryX maryx.camp at intel.com
Thu Sep 3 18:36:37 UTC 2020

> I outlined the general idea above, but the specifics will probably take as much effort to write up as it would to just push an initial attempt myself. I can have something up for review in the next day or so with copies of the files in the places I expect they should go, but I'm also no expert when it comes to Sphinx so am just as happy for someone else to give it a shot instead, if there are any volunteers for that (in which case I'll gladly help review and debug the result).

Speaking for the Docs team, we 100% accept your offer to push the first review yourself! 
I will help with debug and testing as we figure out all the bits & pieces to be modified. 
Please shout if you need anything from me. 
-Mary C. 

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