[Starlingx-discuss] Bi-Weekly StarlingX OS Distro & Multi-OS Meeting Minutes: June 9, 2021

Linda Wang Linda.Wang at windriver.com
Mon Jun 14 20:44:06 UTC 2021


Attendees: Charles Short, Davlet Paench, Mark Asselstine, Scott Little, 
Frank Miller, Bill Zvonar, Bart Wensley, Steve Geary, Ramaswamy S.

1. OS Distro (Mark)

  * Python3 Status (Frank)
      o Chuck is busy with really big rebase.  Once that is completed,
        then will have more people to help with python3 conversion work.
  * Debian OS Transition Status (Mark)
      o 5.10 Kernel:
          + Greg has provided +1 on kernel specification
          + JiPing send out her first review request on 5.10 kernel
      o Mark has been busy on a spec on outline technology on outflow
          + 1 of them is repository manager (probably goingto be used
            Pulp. but not supporting  source packages. so workedo n that
            this week)
          + Talk to Debian maintainer on it, seems to be acceptable.

  * Team also send out first patch on STX tool for review. Also push
    code on python tools (on controller side)
      o Also using minikube to fire up the container.  Hopefully will
        have these ready by the next meeting.
  * No plan to change the hardware specs.

2. Multi-OS (Jackie)

  * For Yocto project need to support rpm pkgs, and Pulp supports both
    rpm and Deiban source pkgs.
  * The new proposal aligns with Jackie, and the team.  Therefore,
    continue moving forward with the proposal, and continue discussion
    with Jackie, and Gil.

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