[Starlingx-discuss] Bi-Weekly StarlingX OS Distro & Multi-OS meeting - Nov 2nd, 2022

Wang, Linda Linda.Wang at windriver.com
Wed Nov 16 05:13:01 UTC 2022


Below is the meeting minutes for Nov. 2, 2022:

November 2, 2022
Attendees:  Mark Asselstine, Frank Miller, Linda Wang, Scott Kamp, Scott Little, Davlet Panech, Litao Gao, Mike Matteson, Charles Short
1. General Topics

  *   0.1 Split Images

  *   0.1.1 Only worked for ISO image, and not for builds. use the cleaner solution: no changes in Jenkins, but just the docker files.

  *   0.2.  Davelt will create launch pad for modification of containers

  *   0.3 CNGN can get the build working (parallel build improvement),  build can be done within few hours.

  *   0.4 content sharing, patch size reduction, due to initramfs size, current Debian patch size is large.

  *   founds ways to reduce initramfs by using previous built intiramfs.

  *   Fixes are under review. Should be coming soon.

  *   0.5 Up-rev to the latest kernel LTS stable version is still in planning. Once we have someone to work on it, it will be posted for review.


2. StartlingX

  *   0.1. Wireguard kernel configs have been posted and merged

  *   0.2 StarlingX 8.0

  * Content Shaing: next step is to share aptly storge. Naming convention and so on within aptly will need to change. The path will need to change to be unique.

  * Shared the content for multiple builds,  need to have stable APIs. with Aptly containers.

  * Concerns about the repo layouts. Pulp will resolve this issue; but Pulp is currently under refactoring, so we will have to stay with Aptly for now.

  *   1. Naming convention is 1 issue.

  * Changes for Pulp: need to push a couple more general fixes to help move the changes along.

  * 2nd issue, administrator will need to provide user certification to prevent conflicts.

  *   Ai: Davlet to create a Jira on issue: Couldn't create miniq in build environment .

Next meeting: Nov 16th
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