Etherpad: Minutes from the community call September 14, 2022 Standing topics - Build - Main Branch CentOS Builds - Builds have been green all week - Main Branch Debian Builds - Builds have been green 6/7 days last week. One intermittent issue seen, but the follow-up build passed. - When will CentOS builds stop? - Criteria for discussion - Container builds all transitioned to build as part of Debian - This can be a soft target given most container images are statically tagged, so previously built containers can continue to be used if a rebuild is not required. - However, once a rebuild is required, the team responsible would have to transition the container build to be part of Debian builds - Support for most/all deployment configs in Debian - AIO-SX, AIO-DX, Standard, Storage, DC - Regular sanity running on Debian builds - stx-openstack - Currently only built and supported in CentOS - Will need a decision on whether transitioning stx-openstack to Debian is a gating item for stopping the CentOS builds - Sanity - CentOS Main Branch Sanity w/o stx-openstack - AIO-SX sanity was green. - AIO-DX sanity was not run due to a config/env issue - CentOS Main Branch Sanity w/ stx-openstack - Sanity was run last week and was yellow (same as stx.7.0) >> Action to ensure reports are sent to the emailing list - Sanity pipeline hit some issues this week which are under investigation - Debian Main Branch Sanity - Action: Rob to look at plan to start these executions - Need to consider an overlap period with both CentOS & Debian sanities running to ensure Debian is stable before discontinuing CentOS sanity. - Team is also working on automating sanity emails to the mailing list - Was discussed within the stx test team and there are some challenges with implementation. - For now, the team will send the reports manually and follow the required "subject" format for tagging builds as green in CENGN - Gerrit Reviews in Need of Attention - FEC Operator Configurability - >> Merged - Follow-up reviews are now promptly reviewed and merging - Reference Links: - Active Branch (open): - Active Branch (merged): Topics for this week - stx.7.0 Status - Release milestone has been declared as of Sept 9. - Email Announcement: - Blogs - Release Blog was merged / released on Tuesday Sep 13 as per plan - Pull Request: - Email follow-up regarding live updates/upgrades support - - Upgrades are not officially supported as per - Need to clarify this in the Updates/Upgrades section as well: - Action: Greg/Steve to respond to the thread and open follow-up doc LPs to clarify the documentation ARs from Previous Meetings - Action: Rob to confirm if the bi-weekly build meeting is active and send the date for the next meeting to the mailing list. - - Still open Open Requests for Help - Base OS for stx.6.0: - Closed. Greg responded: - Wireguard issue - Tracked by LP: - Based on OS team meeting on Sept 14 ( ), testing is successful. Team plans to submit patch to the stx main branch. - Rebuilding ISOs - No update this week - Last Status: - Raised on the call by Scott Kamp - Scott and team are struggling to rebuild the starlingx source to prototype code changes. The documented process does not seem to be clear. - Suggestion is to attend the bi-weekly build meeting to provide feedback and get help. - Action: Rob to confirm if the bi-weekly build meeting is active and send the date for the next meeting to the mailing list. << still open - Scott will also look at the latest updates to the build guide as they were updated recently.